


While the only way to get precise performance data is to measure performance on the target GPU, it can be valuable to measure the impact of these optimization in a GPU-independent manner. To this end, the library provides analyzers for all three major optimization routines. For each optimization there is a corresponding analyze function, like meshopt_analyzeOverdraw, that returns a struct with statistics.

meshopt_analyzeVertexCache returns vertex cache statistics. The common metric to use is ACMR - average cache miss ratio, which is the ratio of the total number of vertex invocations to the triangle count. The worst-case ACMR is 3 (GPU has to process 3 vertices for each triangle); on regular grids the optimal ACMR approaches 0.5. On real meshes it usually is in [0.5..1.5] range depending on the amount of vertex splits. One other useful metric is ATVR - average transformed vertex ratio - which represents the ratio of vertex shader invocations to the total vertices, and has the best case of 1.0 regardless of mesh topology (each vertex is transformed once).

meshopt_analyzeVertexFetch returns vertex fetch statistics. The main metric it uses is overfetch - the ratio between the number of bytes read from the vertex buffer to the total number of bytes in the vertex buffer. Assuming non-redundant vertex buffers, the best case is 1.0 - each byte is fetched once.

meshopt_analyzeOverdraw returns overdraw statistics. The main metric it uses is overdraw - the ratio between the number of pixel shader invocations to the total number of covered pixels, as measured from several different orthographic cameras. The best case for overdraw is 1.0 - each pixel is shaded once.

Note that all analyzers use approximate models for the relevant GPU units, so the numbers you will get as the result are only a rough approximation of the actual performance.


Many algorithms allocate temporary memory to store intermediate results or accelerate processing. The amount of memory allocated is a function of various input parameters such as vertex count and index count. By default memory is allocated using operator new and operator delete; if these operators are overloaded by the application, the overloads will be used instead. Alternatively it's possible to specify custom allocation/deallocation functions using meshopt_setAllocator, e.g.

meshopt_setAllocator(malloc, free);

Note that the library expects the allocation function to either throw in case of out-of-memory (in which case the exception will propagate to the caller) or abort, so technically the use of malloc above isn't safe. If you want to handle out-of-memory errors without using C++ exceptions, you can use setjmp/longjmp instead.

Vertex and index decoders (meshopt_decodeVertexBuffer, meshopt_decodeIndexBuffer, meshopt_decodeIndexSequence) do not allocate memory and work completely within the buffer space provided via arguments.

All functions have bounded stack usage that does not exceed 32 KB for any algorithms.